Classroom Setting - Fun With Spanish

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Classroom Setting

Join a Meeting      

1.  Download the “Zoom” App onto the device to be used. Or, if you have not recently used your App, check if it needs to be updated.  

2.  Check your ‘class link’ email for your online meeting invitation. Invitations will arrive at this email between 1 and 10pm the day before the Class, or before 6:30am on the day of the Class. Within this invitation, you will see a blue link to join our Class. If you are a parent and will be away from home at the Class start time, transfer this link onto the device available for your child.

3.  At Class time:  Move the device cursor over the blue link and click. You will have the option to join with or without video. The audio must then be engaged.  Look for a microphone symbol.  If it has a red line through it, clicking on it will ‘un-mute’. Wait for one to two minutes while the teacher admits all of the students into the class.

Class Needs

      For every online lesson, students, 7+, will need two sharp pencils with functional erasers and lined paper for note-taking.  Please ensure that all emailed reference materials and the completed weekly practice sentences are present at the start of every online lesson. A student that is looking for materials may miss a vital part of a lesson and fall behind the class.

Language Structure, Private, and Upper Level students:  these students need a three-ring binder to organize reference materials.  These materials will be sent by email attachment and will need to be printed out. Because the students will be flipping through these materials during class, plastic sleeve page protectors are needed to keep these papers neat and legible. Students should place these reference pages into the proper tab divider section, according to its title.  Tab dividers:

      The LS Youth and Private Lesson students, Ages 6-8, need five tab dividers. Label in this order:  Grammar Rules, Articles, Nouns, Verbs, and My Sentences.

      The older LS students, Private Lesson students, Ages 9+, and the Upper Level students need 12 tab dividers. Label in this order: Grammar Rules, Articles, Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Interjections, Conversations, and My Sentences.

      The Upper Level students will also need the following colored pencils:  purple, blue, green, orange, red, pink, and brown.

Conversational Class students should keep their reference papers in a pocket folder with one side labeled, “Personal Card” and “Q & A” and the other side labeled, “Restaurant” and “Sample Conversations”.  The Conversational Class students will also need the following colored pencils or thin, non-bleeding markers:  purple, blue, green, orange, red, pink, and brown.

The Basics / Learn to Read students will need 2 sharp pencils with functional erasers, a pocket folder, and lined paper for note-taking. In addition, please supply the following:

“The Basics l” students, Ages 7-8 and older, will need the following colors of crayons or colored pencils:  red, blue, yellow, brown.

“The Basics ll” students, Ages 9-13, will need the following colored pencils:  red, blue, yellow, brown, green, black, orange, pink, gray, and purple.

Practice Sentences:  The Primary Key to Succeed!

       Practice sentences will be assigned for almost every Language Structure and Upper Level class. For optimal memory recall, please ensure that these assignments are completed within 2 days of the online lesson.  
     Each completed assignment should have the student’s name, class designation (LS Youth, LS Level 1, LS Level 2, or Upper Level) and the ‘class link’ email on the paper.  If you know the name of the device that is shown during the Zoom meeting, it would be very helpful to include that on the assignment paper, as well.
     Sentence set format: each sentence set should be composed of a Spanish sentence and its English translation. It should have a number, and a space between the next numbered set.  

For example:                  

  1.  El chico salta.

       The boy jumps.

  2.  La chica nada.

       The girl swims.

  3.  etc.

The student should check the finished work for the following:

1. Sentences should begin with a capital letter and end with a period.

2. Proper names of people and places should be capitalized; months and days of the week are not capitalized in Spanish.

3. Translations should be accurate.

4. The entire paper should be reviewed for obvious errors.

5. The hand writing should be legible.

6. Mistakes should be erased completely.  A common habit is to only partially erase a word or letter. A letter that still appears to be there can change the entire meaning of a Spanish word.

7. All English words and the copied Spanish vocabulary words should be spelled correctly.

       Email completed practice sentences to:  within 3 days after the online lesson.  No scanner?  If possible, take a picture of the work with a Smartphone and then email it.

         If the sentences are typed on a computer file, please ensure that a hard copy (or a second device) is available at class time.  The corrected sentences must be viewable for reading during class time.

Cancellation / Connection  Policy

All Classes:  If an unforeseen situation requires a student to cancel enrollment, tuition for unattended classes will be refunded minus a 10% cancellation fee.

Private Classes:  A scheduled private class may be cancelled or postponed to a later time with 24 hours notice. Less than 24 hours notice of a private class cancellation will require 50% payment for that class.

Teacher Absence:  If an unforeseen situation requires the teacher to cancel a class, that class will be rescheduled or refunded.

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